Tour and Discover LGBTQ+ Scotland

Tour and Discover LGBTQ+ Scotland Celebrating Scotland’s diverse history is what we Scottish Tourist Guides do best! And with the aim of not confining certain groups’ stories to particular days or months of the year, here is a glimpse into … Continued


Jacobitism was a largely 17th- and 18th-century movement that supported the restoration of the House of Stuart to the British throne. The name Jacobite is derived from Jacobus, the Latin version of James. When James II and VII was forced … Continued

Outlander Day Tour from Edinburgh

If you enjoy the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon and have been watching the popular TV series, you will love this Outlander tour starting and finishing in Edinburgh. Visit some of the prominent sites where the filming took place and … Continued

International Tourist Guides Day 2021

The 21st February is International Tourist Guides Day and this year’s theme is rural tourism and storytelling. Scotland’s landscape has folklore and legend woven in to its being. So we couldn’t resist joining in this day with a beautiful video … Continued

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