Enterprising Shetland based Green Badge Tourist guide Laurie Goodlad has shown that even if you are based in the remotest parts of Scotland you can make your mark using the latest technology.
Laurie who qualified as a Green Badge guide for Shetland in 2018 has been writing a blog (https://www.shetlandwithlaurie.com/blog#/) for two and a half years which she religiously publishes every two weeks.
Alongside her blog she has a monthly newsletter with some 450 subscribers and she is also very active on Instagram (@shetlandwithlaurie) and has over 6,500 followers.
During the lockdown in March she started a Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/shetlandwithlaurie) site offering virtual tours and monthly essays and gained a number of paid subscribers.
‘Patrons get exclusive access to a Slack community where they can discuss Shetland and their travel experiences with me, and each other,’ she said.
‘We also hold a monthly Zoom Q&A where they can ask me anything.’
Last month she launched a new podcast (https://www.shetlandwithlaurie.com/podcast#/) which is available on Apple, Spotify and more – there are some solo shows and others where she chats with local people doing interesting things.
In addition, she also writes a fortnightly blog for Promote Shetland. (https://www.shetland.org/60n/authors/laurie-goodlad)
‘I’m a born and bred Shetlander with a passion for the history and culture of our island, ‘ she said.
‘I live in Lerwick with my husband and two young kids. Until recently I worked at the Shetland Museum & Archives as a curatorial assistant. I am now focusing on my writing and hope to write a book soon!’
More info about Green Badge can be found HERE