The Keepers of the Quaich, the exclusive Scotch Whisky society with a wide international membership, met on 11th April 2016 to welcome new members.
Twice a year the Society meets in the Highlands of Scotland at Blair Castle, the ancient and historic home of the Earls and Dukes of Atholl. Keepers and Masters are inducted at a dignified ceremony by the Grand Master, Mrs Sarah Troughton, and entertained at a banquet with the finest of Scottish hospitality.
Amongst those invested as a Keeper was Blue Badge Guide Dr Stephen Cribb, in recognition of his long professional association with the industry and his expertise in the promotion of Scotch Whisky to a world wide audience.
The Society was founded to represent the Scotch Whisky industry worldwide, it promotes the goodwill of the industry and honours those who have made a recognisable contribution. It is by its very nature, the beating heart of the industry. Being made a member of the society is considered a position of great honour.
There have only been 2,457 Keepers of the Quaich inducted, and members come from over 100 countries. Keepers of the Quaich are recognised from all aspects of the industry from those who work, write or evangelise about Scotch Whisky.
The Society takes its name from the two handled drinking bowl which is described in the ancient Gaelic language of Scotland as a ‘cuach’ or quaich, a vessel long associated with friendship and the drinking of Scotch whisky.
Congratulations Stephen!